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Rachel Maid of Honor

Sister/ Lil Coop

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We met straight out of the womb, and since I’m Angela's sister, I can tell you all about her - my hair is full of secrets! Our favorite pastime is watching Broad City. We love Broad City.


Gerardo I Best Man

Mr. Worldwide

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Garrett and I first locked eyes across a round table during a standardized test in 10th grade. After getting to know each other from being in jazz band, we were cool. Once mutual friends brought Angela in the picture, it was love at first sight between them and we've been all friends ever since.


Sara I Maid of Honor

Plant Whisperer

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I didn't swipe right, but I did swipe my ID at the SFSU dining center freshman year where we had our "first date" bonding over DIY projects, puns and our girl crush (still true) -Lauren Conrad! 10 years later and 3,000 miles won't keep Ann away from her Leslie!


Tara Bridesmaid

Wine Expert

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We met at a sorority event in college and were instant friends! Through countless amazing chats about life and trips to Napa, Angela's  infectious sense of humor and sarcasm always keeps me laughing.

For 8 years I've lived both local and abroad, but "Angelica" and I have managed to stay very close and keep each other entertained!


Alex I Groomsmen
Miami Vice

I first met Garrett in our 9th Grade English Class and we shared many classes together throughout the rest of high school. Although we went to college on opposite coasts, we grew even closer through countless activities like tennis, kayaking, Korean BBQ and backyard ping pong during breaks from school.


Allie I Bridesmaid

Work Wife

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Although Angela and I only met in 2018 through work, it seems as though we've known each other for a lifetime! Our "fancy business ladies" work trips quickly built the foundation for our friendship, or rather sisterhood. It may drive me crazy, but jokes aside, there's no one else I would rather accidentally twin with on a weekly basis.


Charlotte I Bridesmaid

The Beach Babe

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La La and I met in college at SFSU! She was my Big in our sorority or as I like to call her my "little Big" because I'm older LOL. The second I met her I knew she was going to be a BFF for life! Through lots of Facetime chats, inside jokes and occasional visits we've remained super close and I don't know what I'd do without her.


Kenny I Groomsmen

  Gentleman & A Scholar

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Way way back in Mrs. Reese's first grade class is when Garrett Dale and I first became friends. Doing pretty much all of our school activities together (and often mistaken as brothers), we've been crushing life since 1997.


Sarah Bridesmaid

The Tiny Gal

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In 2013 we met and at the time, I had no idea how close we’d eventually become. Through our girls trips, countless puns, annoying Tara with our wine ignorance, spin dates, and our shared love of cozy PJ's and Gilmore Girls reruns; Grangela and Petite Syrah were created. She's easily one of the most genuine and kind-hearted women I know - there’s no one in this world quite like our Ange.

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Ryan I Groomsmen

  DDS (Drop Dead Sexy)

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Garrett and Ryan's relationship started where any great relationship begins - the tennis court. Friends since High School, we have stayed close even while Ryan is completing dental school at Columbia University in New York.


Katie I Bridesmaid

Poetic Land Mermaid

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Angela and I met sophomore year of high school when I walked into one of her ‘Save the Children’ club meetings in the F-Wing of campus— (yes she’s always been a philanthropic do-gooder). She liked that I was wearing a boys’ flannel and moccasins and I liked her level of ambition and diplomacy ~ though we didn’t truly  kindle the friendship until junior year when, additionally, we were conspiring her “plan GAWP,” i.e. ‘Get Angela with Patton.’ Years later, I’m glad to report that careful attention and really committed reconnaissance paid off.


Jorge I Groomsmen


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Business Society, Haunted House, Ice Cream Social, Berkely Conference, Gauntlet, and a slew of other events we collaborated on. Initially, we connected at UC Merced freshman orientation. Eventually, we remained friends through our mutual interest in management, Wall Street, and all things Disney.

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